How To Do Yoga Headstand at Home or Anywhere?
If You Are Wondering About How To Do A Yoga Headstand, Then This Article Is For You. Here, We will Take You Through The Simple Step By Step Process to do it. The best part is following this process you can do a headstand at home or anywhere you want. so, stay tuned.
It’s been quite some time now that you have started practicing yoga on a regular basis. You are more or less agile and fit to do almost all the basicasanas and now it is time for you to try the king of the more difficult yoga poses- the famous headstand (Sirsasana).
At first, it might seem that the pose is not meant for you, but that’s not at all true. No one has ever accomplished the headstand in their very first attempt. But you just have to keep on trying.
Gradually, you’ll see you are accomplishing it and that too very well and soon after that we are pretty sure that you’ll fall in love with it.

Yoga Headstand: The King Of All Poses
You must be wondering why the yoga headstand is considered to be the king of all poses. Well, that’s because this pose increases blood flow to the brain builds your arm strength, shoulder strength and even activates your core muscles to strengthen.
It also helps with increasing your energy and stamina. This might come as a shock to you, but yoga headstand is also a great way to prevent hair loss! So, we think we have pretty good number of reasons to go ahead and try out this yoga pose. Come, let’s give it a shot.
This step-by-step tutorial will help you do the pose easily and quickly and will tell you in details how to do the pose, especially if you are a beginner.
Things To Keep In Mind Before Doing The Headstand Pose
The headstand yoga pose is quite alluring, and we all want to go ahead and have a shot at it. But there are a few factors that need to be considered, before you jump right into it trying it out.
- Pregnant women should not try this pose without their doctor’s consultation. Even if the doctor allows, make sure that you do under expert supervision.
- People suffering from chronic cardiac and musculoskeletal issues should consult a doctor before attempting a headstand.
- If you have any kind of health issues, even after consulting a doctor, always execute headstands or any other yoga pose under the guidance of professional yoga instructors.
- Beginners must use the wall as a support to prevent injuries and also for balance. Use the wall support until you gain enough balance to stand alone.
- Beginners must choose to practice in pairs for motivation, coordination for acquiring confidence.

Steps to Perform The Yoga Headstand
In spite of being a super-energizing pose, the yoga headstand is also one of the more difficult poses of yoga to master. However, when done with focus, strength and care, it can be a really invigorating pose for your body and your yoga practice.
More than flexibility and agility, what this pose requires the most is skill and mental strength or fortitude. The yoga headstand has a lot of beneficial effect on us including developing our core strength and helping us to improve our balance by challenging our entire body- from our shoulder to the toes.
Therefore, it is very important to ensure that you are focused and conditioned and you are using all the right techniques to give this pose a try on your own.
15 Steps To Follow To Do Yoga Headstand
- The yoga headstand which is known as Sirsasana in the world of yoga begins with the child’s pose position. In the child’s pose position you sit on your feet and lower down on to your knees on the mat.
Once you begin lowering down, lean as much forward as you can until your forehead is resting comfortably on the ground. Make sure that your chest is resting on your thighs and you keep your arms limp on the sides with your palms facing up. - Once you get into the child’s pose, gradually begin relaxing into the pose. Relaxing into a pose refers to monitoring your breathing and focussing on silence for 30 seconds in that pose. So, for 30 seconds hold the child’s pose and control your breathing pattern.
- The next step involves lifting your head and then moving your elbows on to the ground and bringing them right in front of your knees. Again relax into this pose for 30 seconds.
- In the fourth step, you need to wrap your hand around each elbow without lifting your elbows off the floor. Do all the steps slowly and carefully.
- The next step is to plant your elbows downward on to the mat on the ground firmly. Make sure not to change the distance between your elbows during the whole duration of the headstand- right from the beginning till the end.
- In the next step, release the hold on your elbows and pivot your forearms forward. Make sure that your elbows don’t displace while doing this. Place your forearms in such a way that they are parallel to one another.
- Now that you have placed your forearms parallel to one another, bring your palms together and interlock your fingers. Make sure that the grip is firm and your palms aren’t slipping away. Also make sure, that you’ve formed a triangle with your elbows and hands, the way you’ve placed them.
- The headstand yoga pose really begins from this step. Once you;ve interlocked your fingers, lift your hips up and push your body forward so that your forehead lands into the palm of your hands. Do not lift your knees. The knees stay on the ground.
- Once done, make an adjustment to your head so that the top of your cranium is directly on the ground and your hands are rested in the back of your head. This is how the hands keep your head supported. No matter, which step you do, make sure never to move your elbows.
- Once you have placed your head comfortably, plant the balls of your feet into the ground very firmly and push yourself to extend your knees up away from the ground and you’ll see your body is lifted into the air. In this step your body should form an Upside Down V.
- Now that your body is in the shape of a V, slowly start walking your feet towards your face. As you make the walk, you’ll see your spine straightening out above your head and you’ll start noticing your weight shifting from your feet to your elbows.
Walk near to your feet as much as you can and when you cannot walk any further that’s when you’ve got to give the push- push your elbows into the ground. - Now that you’ve given yourself the push and you have the maximum amount of your body weight on your elbows, it is time for you to lift your feet naturally. Once you lift your feet, you’ll notice you’ve gradually shifted your entire body weight onto your elbows.
- Now that your thighs are up in the air, continue lifting your thighs until they are directly placed right above your abdomen. It is your elbows that should be holding the majority of the weight and not your head or neck.
If you feel any kind of pressure on your head or neck, immediately stop because you are probably doing something wrong. - This step must be done in two parts. First part keep your knees bent as of now. Tighten the muscles of your abdomen and try and stay in this position for 30 seconds.
Focus continuously on your balance. Second part, when you feel that your body is fully balanced, slowly extend your legs above your waist. In these 30 seconds with your knees bent, you’ll know whether your body will gain balance or not. In 30 seconds, if you are unable to get balance don’t continue. Try again a little later. - Now is the final step. Now that you have extended your legs above your waist, point your toes outward. Stay in this position as long as you are comfortable but not more than three minutes.
So, this is the step-by-step guide on how to do the yoga headstand. If you are a beginner, move ahead with the steps gradually and slowly-one at a time. First practice the move for short periods of time and then gradually do it for longer periods of time as your body gets used to it.
To know more on this in details read our Post on Meaning of The Word Yoga
Concluding Thoughts
Headstands are indeed one of the most energizing poses of yoga and it is great for core workout. Attempt to do it, or just do it only when you feel confident, strong and focused.
Only then will you reap the benefits of this particular pose. But, it is very important that you do it under supervision and you do it very carefully because headstands done incorrectly and not so confidently can cause serious injuries!
Do not forget to read our post on Yoga Nidra and Slow Flow Yoga. Also, read our post on How To Start Acro Yoga.