Can I Do Yoga During Periods? A Complete Guide To Yoga During Periods

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If The Question “Can I Do Yoga During Periods? ” Is What Is Bothering You, Then This Article Got You Covered.

Here, We Take You Through The Simple Step By Step Process To Help Understand Yoga During Periods. Stay Tuned.

Can I Do Yoga During Periods

Yoga And Periods

Period, as we know is the process of release of blood from a girl’s uterus, through her vagina. It is a warning that she is nearing the end of puberty. Girls have their first period between 10 -15 years of age in general.

But did you know that it is normal not to have periods regularly in the first few years? Within 2–3 years after her first period, a girl’s periods should get regularized and happen once a month.

Some of you may get signs before periods starts for the month, like bloating, pimples, sore breasts, mood swings, and even cramps in your belly, lower back or legs.

These symptoms that are highlighted here are called PMS or Premenstrual Syndrome. Not all of you have signs before your period starts. It’s natural to feel anything from crankiness and anger to feeling nervous often or down than usual when you’re on your periods.

The mood swings can not be avoided that come during this time. You may also have a good lot of pain on your lower abdomen and back. Menstrual cramps can be relieved by taking a hot bath or using a heating pad on your lower abdomen. Heat therapy relaxes muscles of uterus and eases the pain.

What Causes Irregular Periods? 

But did you know what causes irregular periods? Are you worried about that? Well, menstrual cycle starts on the first day of one period and ends on the first day of the next one.

The average cycle is of 28 days can vary from 21 to 35 days. But it does not always happen this way. Lot of factors like stress, sickness, body weight, and diet including eating disorders can impact your cycle.

Yoga, Do’s, And Dont’s During Period

It is always said that you should not engage yourself in much physical activities or carry heavy things when you are on periods. But with passing years and heightened awareness and sensitivity, this concept has also changed.

Like every other normal thing, menstruation is also a natural physiological process and it is important to treat that like one. You can not stop working for a week every month because of your periods, neither do you need to.

Though there still are a lot of debates regarding what to do and what not to do during periods, one major debate is about if physical exercise or yoga good for your health during menstruation. While some say, it does no good, some think in a different perspective. So what actually is the fact? Let us find out…

Yoga can be extremely beneficial during your period, especially if you’re not feeling very good. It will help your body to go through the periods more comfortably. Yoga practice is supposed to promote health and normalization of periods.

Benefits of Yoga Practice during Periods

Benefits of Yoga Practice during Periods

  1. Obesity, inactive living lead to insulin resistance and that becomes of the major causes of hormonal imbalance and fertility-related issues among women. Doing yoga habitually helps to prevent these disorders.
  2. During monthly menstruation, women are more prone to emotional disorders. Regular Yoga practice helps minimize the effect of hormones on your mood. Not only that, yoga has also been shown to help reduce chronic fatigue, stress and balance emotions related to irritability, mood swings, anger or anxiety.
  3. Regular yoga practice significantly reduces menstrual cramps and moderate to severe pain by enlarging the pelvic opening, back pain, abdominal swelling, and breast tenderness associated with the menstrual cycle.
  4. Yoga also improves quality of sleep. A lot of health problems in modern day arise from lack of sleep. Yoga promotes early initiation of sleep and prolongs the periods of deep sleep state.

Best Yoga Poses During Periods


Sit on your heels keeping your knees slightly apart and the toes together with one another. Raise your arms slowly and bend forward.


  • This posture calms your body by controlled respiration and relieves exhaustion
  • The posture extends and lengthens the neck, ankles, hips and shoulders
  • It helps in digestion


Bring your arms up over your head and stretch them towards the ceiling. Breathe out and start bending forward slowly with maximal motion at your hips.

Lengthen your spine, breathe in and bend forward so that you put your weight on your thighs. You neck should be parallel to your spine. Try holding your ankle with your hand. Finish by coming back to the original position again.


  • This yoga pose improves blood circulation by stretching the muscles around the spine and back.
  • The calf muscles are stretched as the body pushes forward, thereby toning them. It also shapes the legs.
  • The yoga posture strengthens the neck and shoulders.
  • The digestive and pelvic organs are healed from within and in turn are toned when the body moves forward and pressure is put. This improves digestion and the gas gets released in and around the lower abdomen.
  • As the body puts pressure on abdomen and thorax, the respiration improves.


Sit and extend your legs in front of your torso. Stretch your hands straight on the sides as in the picture to support your back.


  • This asana aims to improve the health of the back muscles and stretches your chest and shoulders.
  • Improves posture.
  • It treats asthma and sciatica.
  • This pose helps to keep the mind centered and relaxed. It improves breathing and helps to focus.


Lie down flat. Lift your hips slightly with the help of your feet. You can slide a yoga block or cushion under your hips for support. Slide the block or cushion out by lifting your hips again with the help of your feet.


  • This asana opens the shoulders, chest and heart.
  • It stretches the spine, the back of the neck, the thighs and the front hip joints.
  • Helps in stimulating the abdominal organs and thyroid glands and thus increases digestion and metabolism.


You need to balance your body weight on your hands and toes. Keep your body on air with the support of your hands and toes


  • You need to balance your body weight on your hands and toes. Keep your body on air with the support of your hands and toes
  • It improves the regulation of the nervous system.
  • It energizes the whole body and brings in positivity and peace.


Lie down with your knees bent. Release your knees out to the sides and down to the floor. Bring your heels together and stretch your hands on both sides.


  • This asana opens the hips, legs, and chest and strengthens the legs, calves, abs, and knees.
  • It stimulates the uro-genital system and pelvic floor.
  • It strengthens and stretches the shoulder joint.
  • This is a perfect pose to end your yoga session with as it leaves you completely relaxed for the day.

Besides these asanas, practicing Pranayama and Meditation twice a day helps to balance the emotions and calms the mind. Deep breathing is very beneficial but make sure you don’t strain with the breath. This does wonders with releasing pain.

Also read our detailed post on Yoga During Pregnancy.


Pay attention toward your personal hygiene during menstruation. Make sure the pants that you wear during your yoga practice are comfortable and do not put much pressure on the abdominal area.

Best thing about yoga is that you can practice these asanas or exercises at any age. It helps to reduce almost every symptom related to hormonal changes throughout your life. Yoga boosts your overall health levels and frees you from menstrual cramps and pains throughout your workout.

Also read our article on Yoga Early Story and How To Open Blocked Fallopian Tube Through Yoga